LR41 Sloth (IM)
A sloth is a slow-moving animal that lives in trees. It eats leaves and doesn't move much, which helps it (to) save energy. The sloth uses very little energy, or calories, because of its slow lifestyle. It only burns about 100-200 calories a day. That's less than a tenth of what a human uses! Also, while the average human ingests, digests, and eliminates waste from food around 12-48 hours, sloths can take 30 days to completely digest a single leaf. Therefore, sloths sometimes die of starvation even when they are eating, because they cannot digest their food in time.
関係代名詞 that
関係代名詞 whichのちょっと特殊パターン
ex) He said he wasn't afraid of ghosts, which wasn't true. (桐原書店『Forest 4th ed.』より)
a tenth / one tenth / two thirds
help O do Oがdoするのを助ける
単語 品詞 日本語の意味 重要度 ワードファミリー 類語
human 名 人間 5 humanity person, individual ingest 動 摂取する 3 ingest, ingestion consumes, takes in digest 動 消化する 4 digest, digestion breaks down eliminate 動 排除する 3 eliminate, elimination removes, expels waste 名 廃棄物 3 - trash, garbage 出典:今泉忠明監修『ざんねんないきもの事典』